
crazy garden

When I came back from my trip last week, I found these massive zucchini’s growing in my garden. That’s a 13.5 inch knife. I don’t know what to do with them. A friend said I can hollow them out and stuff them like bell peppers, and someone else said make zucchini bread. Last time I picked one this big, I cut it into slabs lengthwise and put it on the BBQ just for fun. They took up the whole grill. Any suggestions? My dad said make a zucch-o-lantern for Holloween.

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  1. zucchini lasagna with freshly made herb pasta sheets, served with a toasted red bell pepper coulis..

  2. – cold zucchini soup with fresh dill.
    – sliced, breaded, then baked or fried. serve with mash potatoes and baked polenta with homemade marinara sauce.
    – raw hummus Minh style 🙂 recipe on his website.

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