
easy banana vanilla ice cream

This is a very easy to make ice cream substitute. It doesn’t require a crazy ice cream maker or any complex process. Just freeze some bananas, add vanilla extract and coconut cream and blend. Add some carob or cocolate chips if you want. Its super healthy and delicious. And trust me, it actually tastes like vanilla ice cream and not just a bunch of blended-up frozen bananas.

I break up the bananas into chunks and freeze them in a mason jar (right next to my bulk rice I freeze to keep the bugs away). Then I simply add the rest of the ingredients and blend it in the jar with my immersion blender. If you don’t have an immersion blender, get one –  it will change your life.

Recipe for 2 servings:

  • 3 frozen bananas
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla
  • 1/2 coconut cream or milk

Start with adding 1/2 cup of coconut cream and add more if it is too thick. Just make sure you don’t add too much or it will be runny.

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  1. I love kitchen miracles like that, where you put these things together and expect banana but get vanilla. Sounds delicious (and EASY!) – we’ll have to try it soon! : )

  2. Sam, thanks for sharing this tasty treat! Tried it for the second time tonight. The first time was good, but I didn’t follow the directions well enough. Freezing peeled bananas is key. Its not fun to peel frozen bananas 🙂 This time I added a little chocolate syrup on top. I think a coconut cookie would be the perfect compliment, both taste and texture wise. This has been a great cold treat for us to enjoy, and a healthier alternative to ice cream.

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